Senin, 31 Desember 2012

New Year

Made by me using my index finger and an I-pad

Happy New Year!!! Wishing you a Super Great 2013 (*^▽^*)

-new year, new spirit, new hope, new opportunity, new life-

Be better, guys ;D

Let's make some resolutions for 2013!

here are my resolutions :

  1. Keep my room (bedroom) n e a t ~ [every Sunday I'll check my bedroom, kalo kelihatannya berantakan, akan kurapikan, tapi kalo udah rapi, aku hanya akan memandanginya sambil tersenyum bangga, ahahahaha  (¯ ▽¯)╯]
  2. Sharing 'what i got this week' and 'my goal next week' with my fam every saturday.
  3. Learn + write down everything about horse, horseback riding and stable management in my Pony Note
That's all my resolutions for 2013, what's yours?

1 komentar:

  1. Hahaaaaa....katanya kamar tidur itu menggambarkan pemiliknya lho. Nah, mau dilihat seperti apa?

    What can I do for you, Mbak?
