Selasa, 18 September 2012

My Holiday

The Mountain
(Photographed from a plane)

I spent my holiday in Singapore. My sister asked me to accompany her (she's studying in Singapore). Actually she was in a LONG holiday, her holiday was about for 2 months. But, she has a lot of activities there. She can't go home (to Indonesia) soon. So, I came to Singapore and spent my holiday there.

We were having fun all the day. Sometimes we felt that 24 hours a day is not enough to do all the activities that we should do in that day. Sometimes we got bored too and just eat, sleep, eat, sleep, watching movie, have a snack, etc XP

Besides sightseeing in Singapore, I also joined my sister's activities, like playing angklung (Indonesian traditional musical instrument), teaching Jarimatika (the counting method that using fingers), etc.

One day, in our spare time, we decided to go to the park. There, we rented a double bicycle and took a lot of picture :D I tried to make a Panning photo.

My busy day was ended when my mother asked my sister to go to Iran. There's a Moslem Woman Conference. My mom participate in that conference and allowed to bring one person to the conference.

In the end, I was  a l o n e  in Singapore.

I didn't know what should I do there. Wish there was a prince came and broke the silence (◦^ʃƪ^◦)
Finally, I make a list of my own activities in Singapore. Such as riding horse, walking around, photographing, riding horse again, walking around, photographing, riding horse, walking around, photographing, windowshopping, playing angklung, etc. ( ̄▽ ̄) hahaha

I joined angklung concert which was held at Tampines (near my residence) [padahal baru masuk groupnya, baru latian 2x pula]. Meskipun salah pake sendal, tapi konser tetap berjalan lancaaaaar :D jadi ceritanya, tante-tante angklung sedang membicarakan soal kostum, "untuk bagian sepatunya pake selop aja." dalam bayanganku yang dimaksud selop itu sandal bakpao karet. Kalo sandal bakpao, aku punya. Dengan yakin aku pake sandal bakpao ke konser angklung. Sesampainya di tempat konser, semua langsung kaget, masak mau pentas pake sandal bakpao. Ternyata yang dimaksud selop itu sandal/sepatu 'high heel' xD untung ada salah seorang tante yang bawa 2 sandal. Akhirnya aku dipinjami 1. Konser pun berjalan lancar╭(^▽^)╯

In the next day, early in the morning, I went to NEC (National Equestrian Center). I rode a horse accompanied by a coach, Mr. Dicky Mardiyanto. He is Indonesian people who works at Singapore. [dulu Pak Dicky pernah jadi pelatih di Arrowhead stable]

Pak Dicky
After rode the horse, I took a walk/sightseeing at Singapore and photographing the beautiful scenery.
[metode jalan-jalanku : bingung mau ke mana --> tanya referensi tempat yang bagus --> masuk kereta --> kira-kira ada tempat bagus, asal turun, tanya2 jalan :P --> having fun!]

Here are some photos when I was sightseeing in Singapore
(all photos were taken by me with Nikon D5100)

Om Roy, professional horse rider ;)
Pak Yana, the groom, ahli kepang kuda

Nanno, He is so pretty *o*


Pak Yana found a snake

National Equestrian Center

Koi Pond at  Chinese Garden

Chinese Garden

Zheng He (Ceng Ho)
Everything is red at  Chinese Garden

Chinese Garden's bridge

Turtle  and Fish Pond at Chinese Garden

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